

Ioannis (John) D. Doukas

  1. BulletMember of the "Technical Chamber of Greece"

  2. Member of the "Union of Surveying Engineers of Northern Greece"

  3. Member of the "Union of Surveying Engineers of Greece"

  4. Member of the "Hellenic Society of Cartography"

  5. BulletMember of the "Hellenic Society of Sciences" (Website in Greek)

  6. BulletMember of the Working Group WG 4.2.5: "Application of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Geodesy". International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Sub-Commission 4.2: «Applications of Geodesy in Engineering» (2011-2015)

  7. BulletChair of the IAG/GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS)) Working Group 0.2.1: "New Technologies for Disaster Monitoring and Management". International Association of Geodesy (IAG), Commission 4: «Positioning and Applications» (2011-2015)

  8. BulletMember of the "Alumni Association A.U.Th." (Website in Greek)

  9. BulletMember of the "International Association of Geodesy - IAG"

  10. BulletMember of the "European Geoscience Union - EGU"

  11. BulletMember of the Association "Friends of Monuments of Thessaloniki"

  12. BulletMember of the interdisciplinary "Laboratory for the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases" (Website in Greek)

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