PhD candidates


Ioannis (John) D. Doukas

Ph.D. Candidates (in Greece)

As a member of the supervising three-member committee:

  1. 1996 Konstantinos Lakakis. Title: "Vehicle Navigation in Urban Environments by Using GPS and GIS Technologies" (completed).

  2. 1997 Maria Androulidaki. Title: "GIS Application for the Organizing, Editing and Management of Education via Anthropocentric and Spatial Approach" (completed).

  3. 1999 George Badelas. Title: "Proposal for the Planning and Development of an Information System for the Management, Qualification and Maintenance of Highways" (completed).

  4. 2000 Sotirios Chalimourdas. Title: "Monitoring the Deformations and Geometric Quality of Technical Works with Modern Surveying Methods" (completed).

  5. 2004 Ioanna Papadopoulou. Research area: "Geomatics Applications for the Monitoring and Management of Natural Disasters" (completed).

  6. 2016 Christos Gogos. Research area: "GIS Applications and Medicine" (under development).

As the main supervisor of the supervising three-member committee:

  1. 2014 Sofia Demoula. PhD thesis: "A Study of the Urban Space Changes in Thessaloniki for the Time Period 1430-2000, by Using GIS" (completed).

  2. 2014 Konstantina Ntassiou. PhD thesis: "Application of GIS in Recording and Studying Historical Transportation Networks. The case of South-Western Macedonia" (completed).

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